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Results for "keyword: "loss""
Death is real Death is real
Life is arbitrary but God is not Life is arbitrary but God is not
Grief is the gift of memory Grief is the gift of memory
After a Loss, Bless Someone Else A way to keep hope alive after a loss.
We take nothing for granted We take nothing for granted
Hidden Graces Poems by 30 poets on the hidden graces which come to us in times of loss, grief, pain, and renewal.
The Liturgical Year Joan Chittister on the personal meaning of Holy Saturday as a time for dealing with darkness and growing hope.
The End of Suffering Probes the meaning and purpose of pain, suffering, loss, and grief.
Unattended Sorrow Stephen Levine on tapping the heart to get through levels of unfinished business and grief.
Simone Weil A thought-provoking survey of the life and writings of Simone Weil.